Challenge and Solution
There’s a new currency that powers business—trust.
The vital currency in today's connected, collaborative world is trust. Like any other discipline, creating trust is a learnable skill, and with the tenets laid out by Stephen M.R. Covey in his best-selling book The Speed of Trust, your organization can forego the slow, time–killing bureaucracies put in place because of mistrust, and start accelerating your business, and your bottom line, by moving at the speed of trust.
The Speed of Trust Foundations work session gives participants the ability to build trust, and accelerate the speed at which they establish it with clients, employees, and constituents. Discover how trust is the essential ingredient for any high–performance, successful organization.
The unique points
A unique tQ™ Assessment Report helps participant measure how others perceive their trustworthiness.
Remarkable workshop content based on the Best Seller Book from Steven M. R. Covey: “Speed of Trust”.
Powerful tool-set includes a rich guidebook, electronic tools, reference cards which encourage leaders to forge the path to a new culture of trust and make action plans to build Trust with all key stakeholders.
Proven successful results from several clients in different industries such as Retails, Manufacturing, Financial Services, Technology and Banking.

Trust: Today’s critical, learnable competency
- Quantify the specific “Trust Taxes” that are affecting their current projects and initiatives.
- Identify the behaviors that slow speed and increase costs in their work environment.
- Learn the three dimensions of creating trust.
- Create a customized plan to close the trust gaps that are impacting their team.
The Case For Trust
Build their own case for trust by identifying the impact of Trust Taxes and Trust Dividends on their current work projects.
Self trust The principle of Credibility
- Model trust through character and competence and take responsibility for increasing their own personal credibility.
Relationship Trust The principle of behavior
Replace counterfeit behaviors with the 13 Behaviors of High Trust to develop, restore, and extend trust in key relationships.
Delivery options
Public Workshop: A special learning experience for individuals or groups from different organizations. Workshops are offered on a fixed schedule and at a suitable venue by FranklinCovey Vietnam.
In-house Workshop: Exclusive training for your organization with standard content (Standard Program). Or exclusive training for your organization with tailored content to fit your needs (Customized Program).
(tQ) 360 Assessment
The Speed of Trust work Session
- Leader Accountability Plan
- Weekly Trust Huddle
- Trust Action Cards
- Speed of Trust Talks
- Peer Accountability Process
Participant Kit
Participant Guidebook
Speed of Trust Action Cards
The Speed of Trust Book
Trust Action Plan (TAP)